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Low Impact, High energy Cardio + Strength


Service Description

Have you ever heard of a "lite" version of a product? Where you get a sample of what you are in for, a little taste of everything, a way to dip your toes in? Well, that's EXACTLY what our "Lite" class is! SHINE LITE was designed for anyone who may be new to SHINE, new to exercise, or just want to try us out! ​LITE is THE format if you're just getting started (or re-started) ony your fitness journey. This is also great if you have physical limitations, are in a larger or older body. There are NO burpees, tuck jumps, or complex plyometric moves. In our LITE classes, you can expect: - A mix of steady-state cardio and standing strength, including standing arms, standing abs, and leg tracks - TONS of dance breaks! - LOTS of low impact + no jump options - FUN high energy music and lots of motivation - absolutely ZERO body shaming, fitness shaming, judgement or "babying" We want SHINE to be accessible to everyone, and if you have checked out our other classes and maybe been a little nervous to try because you do not feel like you can do it, then TRY LITE! We know that you are so strong, and can do anything you put your mind to, and LITE is the perfect way to show yourself just how strong you are! We GUARANTEE that you will leave class smiling, and dripping in sweat! PS. don't be fooled! LITE ≠ EASY! This class will offer options for all fitness levels, so everyone will

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

CANCELLATION: You may cancel or reschedule up to 6 hours before session start time. NO-SHOW FEE: If you fail to attend your scheduled class without canceling within the 6-hour window, a $15 no-show fee will be automatically charged to your account, and you will also lose the class credit. NO EXCEPTIONS. We will not issue "just this one-time", "can I get a free pass", "this has never happened before", or "I won't do it again".

Contact Details

  • 4 Charles Street East, Toronto, ON, Canada


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